Understanding College and College Life
College can be confusing and intimidating, but U101 can help. If you were just admitted to college and are nervous about what the next step in life might look like, this course is for you. If you are the parent of a newly admitted college student and curious about what college life is like, this course is also for you.
Introduction to Computers and Office Productivity Software
In this course, you will learn the following essential computer skills for the digital age:
- Major hardware components of a computer system
- Different types of software on a computer system
- Photo Editing using GIMP
- Word processing applications, including MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint
In this course students will review, address, understand and execute the importance of expectations and succeeding expectations in achieving your certification
Master Certification Program
1. Microsoft Office Suite
In this course, you will learn how to use all the basic and advance features of Excel, Word, Word Advance, PowerPoint and Outlook. This course will help prepare you to succeed in presenting professional documents in the real world and your studies.
2. Intro-Expectation
In this course students will review, address, understand and execute the importance of expectations and succeeding expectations in achieving your certification.
3. English Composition 1
You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any field. Students will learn how to read carefully, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, engage with others’ ideas, cite accurately, and craft powerful prose.
4. Film, Images, & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century; Camera Never Lies (Foreign Requirement)
This course is a short taster on the topic of the use of Images, Film, and their use in historical interpretation in the 20th century. It is primarily provided for students in learning the history that draws on photojournalism as primary evidence, and films based on historical events.introduction to the scientific study of human memory by focusing on a select group of topics that hold widespread appeal.To facilitate your understanding, This class will use clips from numerous films to illustrate different aspects of memory
5. Improve Your English Communication Skills
This Specialization helps you improve your professional communication in English for successful business interactions. Each course focuses on a particular area of communication in English: writing emails, speaking at meetings and interviews, giving presentations, and networking online. Whether you want to communicate to potential employers, employees, partners or clients, better English communication can help you achieve your language and professional goals. The Capstone course will focus especially on making those important connections to take your career or business to the next level. Make yourself more competitive by improving your English through this Specialization: Improve Your English Communication Skills.
6. Business Foundation (sub-certification)
In this Specialization, you’ll develop basic literacy in the language of business, which you can use to transition to a new career, start or improve your own small business, or apply to business school to continue your education. In five courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals of marketing, accounting, operations, and finance. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply the skills learned by developing a go-to-market strategy to address a real business challenge.
7. Media and Ethics (Foreign Requirement)
About this course: This course explores some of the basic theories, models and concepts in the field of media ethics. We will introduce influential ethical theories and perspectives, explore changing societal demands and expectations of media creation and media use, and we will elaborate on existing ethical norms for media professionals. After following this course, you will be able to reflect on ethical dilemmas and develop a well-substantiated argumentation for ethical decision making in a variety of media-related contexts.
Upon completion of this course, students should:
- have knowledge of the history and development of perspectives on media ethics;
- have knowledge of the dominant theoretical approaches and concepts;
- be able to use this knowledge to develop a well-substantiated argumentation
8. International Business Specialization (Foreign Requirement) sub-certification
The International Business specialization is for learners who would like a thorough understanding of international business concepts, tools, and applications. This knowledge can be employed to advance in your current work, to prepare for international jobs and careers, and to generally understand the importance and role of international business practice on globalization and geopolitics. The specialization covers the global context of business, national cultures, human resources, marketing, supply chains logistics, foreign exchange, and modes of entry – all in the context of international business and commerce.
9. Intellectual Law (Copy Write, Patent, Trademark, Intellectual)
Intellectual property is the currency of the tech world. The copyright for the Harry Potter franchise has generated over $25 billion to date, and the trademarked brands of the world’s largest tech companies now eclipse $100 billion in value. But what makes these intangible assets so valuable?
Through the courses in this specialization, you will learn the differences between the various forms of U.S. intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and their various applications to human innovations.
10. Corporate and Commercial Law I Contract & Employment Law
This class deals with the business law topics that appear on the CPA exam: Agency, Contracts, Debtor-Creditor Relationships, Government Regulation of Business, and Business Organizations. Students will gain an understanding of how these areas of the law affect businesses and their operations, with an eye on preparation for the business law portions of the REG section of the CPA exam. By the end of the class, students will be able to identify the legal principles that govern various business situations and apply those principles to an issue to determine the outcome when the law is applied to the facts of a scenario.
11. Corporate and Commercial
Law II Business Form, Financing & Governmental Regulations This course is the second course in a two-part series on corporate and commercial law. In this part, we focus on three main topics: business organizations, business financing, and governmental regulation. In the first module, we discuss the characteristics of a number of the most common forms of business entities, such as corporations and LLCs. Module two is devoted to debtor-creditor relationships, including bank financing, debt financing, secured transactions, and bankruptcy. We wrap up the course with two modules that focus on the most important aspects of governmental regulation, including the process by which administrative agencies make rules, and the regulation of anti-competitive behavior and securities transactions.
12. Start-Up Entrepreneurship Specialization (sub-certification)
Entrepreneurship Specialization covers the conception, design, organization, and management of new enterprises. This five-course series is designed to take you from opportunity identification through launch, growth, financing and profitability.
13. Web Design For Everybody: Basic of Web Development & Coding Specialization (sub-certification)
This Specialization covers how to write syntactically correct HTML5 and CSS3, and how to create interactive web experiences with JavaScript. Mastering this range of technologies will allow you to develop high quality web sites that, work seamlessly on mobile, tablet, and large screen browsers accessible. During the capstone you will develop a professional-quality web portfolio demonstrating your growth as a web developer and your knowledge of accessible web design. This will include your ability to design and implement a responsive site that utilizes tools to create a site that is accessible to a wide audience, including those with visual, audial, physical, and cognitive impairments.
14. Financial Management Specialization (sub-certificate)
This Specialization covers the fundamentals of strategic financial management, including financial accounting, investments, and corporate finance. You will learn to evaluate major strategic corporate and investment decisions and to understand capital markets and institutions from a financial perspective, and you will develop an integrated framework for value-based financial management and individual financial decision-making.
15. Intro to Financial Accounting I
Master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and learn how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to read the three most common financial statements: the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.
16. Intro to Financial Accounting II
The course builds on the Introduction to Financial Accounting course, which you should complete first. In this course, you will learn how to read, understand, and analyze most of the information provided by companies in their financial statements. These skills will help you make more informed decisions using financial information.
17. Movie Magic Budgeting Software
With an innovative cost estimation tool used by production teams around the world and newly designed, intuitive dashboard, you can now quickly and easily create, edit, and manage professional budgets for any size production—anytime, anywhere. Designed with a deep understanding of the complexities of production and the ever-changing issues facing finance professionals, Movie Magic Budgeting makes it easy to import your existing budgets, estimate incentives, compare budgets across multiple locations, run complex cost analyses, and much more.
18. Private Equity and Venture Capital (Foreign Requirement)
The course deals with the analysis of the private equity and venture capital business. Over the course, students will be provided with a deep understanding of the mechanism underpinning the creation and/or development of a firm and the financial support it can get from the financial system through venture capital investment.
19. Entertainment Business I
In this master course, students will learn the entire lifecycle of the Film & T.V. entertainment industry from the Executive Producer lenses. This class covers the details of accounting, finance, film and t.v. industry, global marketing, the movie business and much more.
20. Introduction to Public Relations and Media
This specialization is ideal for learners interested in how to practice public relations and branding communication. You will learn how to use different tools to manage your company’s reputation. You will learn about different forms of media, how to work with journalists, and how to plan strategic communication to enhance your company.
21. Legal Primer For The Entertainment Industry
This unique master course explores key legal principles and contractual relationships within the film and television industry through a dynamic assortment of lectures and hands-on workshops. You develop a core understanding of subjects including idea protection, copyright, defamation, privacy, and the right of publicity. In addition, you are exposed to key issues in manager agreements and in standard film and television agreements, including literary option/purchase agreements, life rights agreements, collaboration agreements, and talent employment agreements. The course concludes with exploring independent film finance and distribution deals. Through learning some essential “countermeasures” to use when reviewing such contracts, you are empowered in a way usually only reserved for elite talent lawyers–and have a lot of fun in the process.
22. Entertainment Business II
This master course, students will learn the Business of Art and Production from an Executive point of view. This class covers the details of pre-production, production, post production, global marketing, and low budget film making.
23. European Business law Specialization (Foreign Requirement)
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This specialization is a 3-course bundle that will teach learners the fundamentals of European Business Law.
24. Brand Management (Foreign Requirement)
London Business School contrasts traditional approaches to branding – where brands are a visual identity and a promise to customers – to brands as a customer experience delivered by the entire organization. The course offers a brand workout for your own brands, as well as guest videos from leading branding professionals.
25. Inside the World of Film Acquisition: How to Sell Your Project
Coming Soon
26. Getting your Film Off the Ground
This course is an introduction to many of the possibilities that exist to fund your film, market it, and create an audience for it. It will give you a sense of possible options and avenues to explore and it will start you on the process of making your film dreams a reality. The course covers the grant researching and writing process for fiction films and documentaries, strategies for developing impactful film websites, best social media practices for filmmakers, and how to approach crowdfunding and seeking investors. Through these experiences you will be prepared to seek funding for your film and to build your own audience through digital spaces.
27. Advance Show Bible and Pitch Deck
This course is about addressing the changes that have overtaken the TV business – and more importantly, have overtaken TV storytelling. Students will learn how to create a show bible and pitch deck, the difference and the importance of each individually and collectively. Do you have a great pilot script, but no idea how to fully develop an engaging Show Bible or Pitch Deck that can help sell your show? In this master course, we learn the importance of each of these industry documents when pitching your script, and what you need to include in each of them. With a combination of lectures and workshops, week after week we study some of the best Pitch Decks and Show Bibles from successful shows, discuss and work on the different areas of these documents regarding your own pilot, get notes in order to polish your work, and in end you’ll have a polished Pitch Deck or Show Bible (your choice) to shop around.
28. Script2Hollywood Institute Capstone Final Project Master Collaboration.
The Capstone final project recaps all learned in in this Entertainment Executive Finance Master Certification program by concluding with a capsulation ending with a major collaboration team project establishing finance for a t.v. series or feature film. Having the team project pitch ready for and acquiring funding for production, and or marketing & distribution. Student will work with peers in and from other disciplines in a team environment to create a final project as a team.
29. Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization
Fintech Specialization is designed to introduce you to the fundamental building blocks of financial technologies and real-world applications through case studies of companies in the field. You’ll learn the essential components of technology-driven financial strategies, from complex regulations to cryptocurrency to portfolio optimization.
30. Applying Data Analytics in Finance
This course introduces an overview of financial analytics. You will learn why, when, and how to apply financial analytics in real-world situations. You will explore techniques to analyze time series data and how to evaluate the risk-reward trade off expounded in modern portfolio theory
31. Decentralized Finance (DeFI)
DeFi and the Future of Finance is a four course learning experience. DeFi or Decentralized Finance is a new technology whereby users interact as peers with algorithms or smart contracts rather than through traditional intermediaries such as banks, brokerages or insurance companies. The technology has the potential to transform finance as we know it. It solves key problems in traditional finance such as lack of inclusion, inefficiency, opacity, centralized control and lack of interoperability.
32. Financial Markets
An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills.
33. Entertainment Finance
Info coming soon
34. How to Finance and Grow your Start-Up – without VC (Foreign Requirement)
This course will introduce, and help you put to use in your startup, the five models through which your customers can – and will, if you ask them! – fund your business. These five time-tested models have been put to use by entrepreneurial superstars like Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and more.
35. Production Accounting for Film & T.V.
Info Coming Soon
36. Introduction to Computers and Operating Systems and Security
This course forms part of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in cybersecurity. It will help you gain knowledge and skills related to Computers and Operating Systems, Enterprise Systems, and Security, including Business Systems Applications. This course gets you one step closer to the Microsoft Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate, which requires no degree or prior experience.
- Sub-Certifications: 8
- Students: 100 per block
- Certification: Master Certification
Target audiences
- High School Diploma or Equivalent